Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Il fait chaud

Il fait chaud. It is hot. And not just a little hot. At 10pm it was 34 degrees celsius in my apartment (that's 93 degrees F for the Americans out there). Fannie is blowing her heart out but stirring hot air doesn't help too much.

To summarize how lab is going so far:
Today a lady showed up in our lab and said "oh, isn't there AC in here?" and proceeded to turn on the heat. We didn't realize it was the heat for an hour until we noticed it was even hotter than hot in our lab and started poking around with the knobs. And no, there is no AC. Or computers in English. Or windows. Or lights that don't make the room even hotter. As Katharine pointed out, at least there aren't raccoons. 22 days and counting.

The good part of the day was that I went to a knitting group in the 13eme! Its only 3 metro stops from here and the owner is an expat so the evening is half French - half English. I'll definitely be going back! And there are no pictures because I left my camera on my desk. Oops. Next time...

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