But in my wandering today to try to fix my cell phone, I ran across a Paris landmark, Notre Dame.

I spent some time with my Parisienne spiritual guide. Don't worry, she's making sure I'm eating and adjusting well. Then I returned to my steaming abode. According to the thermostat, it was 32C. [[Sigh]].
The one thing I didn't blog about earlier was the little treat I bought myself at the marche today:

Meet Rosie. (No, its not a rose plant, but the color is so rosy and happy that I've named it "Rosie").
Rosie makes my window a little bit brighter.

Tomorrow is the first day of lab, so I got ready:

The forecast is still for unseasonable warmth, so I'm prepared for the non-ACed conditions I'm likely to find.
Overall, it was an ok day (although I failed at both finding a fan and fixing my phone). But really, I'm just a little bit down. Today Sungyon asked if I missed Boston, and I said no. Its true, I don't really miss the city, but I do miss the people. Because, after all, what is more important than the people you choose to spend your time with?

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