Merry Christmas to all!
Isn't he a great photographer?
Today I went to apply for my French social security card. Despite my horrible French and their complete lack of English, I managed to conduct the entire transaction in French, and at the end the lady even said I was very sweet. I count that as a major success!!!
Today was the first time I ever wished that my lab did the bises (kisses). I'm leaving today for two weeks. And I'm actually sad to go! I'm not sad to leave my tiny apartment, or the shoving and pushing of rush hour, but I am sad that I will miss two weeks of knitting nights, more adventures in the lab cantine, the start of the lab's Christmas baking contest, sarcastic conversations in the chem lab, and hearing french every day. Sometimes it takes leaving a place to figure out why you want to stay...
It all fits in my small suitcase! Then again, I am going to a country where it is summer year-round! Two days until my flight to Singapore!!