I don't know what it was...
Maybe it was the seeing the huge tree at Galleries Lafayette with my MIT lab mate Thomas...

Maybe it was shopping with him at the Christmas Market on the Champs Élysées...

Maybe it was the kind man who threw in a "little something extra" when I bought a few things from him at the Market...
(sorry, no picture on this one, can't ruin the surprise for the 4-year-old who will be unwrapping it soon!)
Or maybe it was thinking about last year's Christmas...

But whatever it was, after weeks of having no desire to get ready for Christmas, today I bought a tree.

Her name is Lucy. From the song "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds". She's 17 cm tall, and I decorated her with a long pearl necklace and some ribbon that I cut out of a shirt. The very nice woman at the store assured me that she can make it through a Paris window outside, but at least until Christmas, she's going to stay inside with me.